Monday, October 18, 2010


I think changes are in the air, as of now.  Not just the weather, but in life too. I think it will be good, but I will take one step at a time and not get caught up in the whirlwind. That's all I think we can do. 

Gotta start drinkin my orange juice every morning, because Texas weather is crazy and no one likes to be sick.

Today has been a good day so far, although I'm not much feeling up to the gym today. Belle my dog is getting on my nerves, its one of those days that she barks at anything and everything. We have a baby squirrel living out front, so cute; and speaking of squirrels we must have an over population of them I see them everywhere now and lately a lot of them in the road.... If you get my drift?

People get on my nerves so easily now,  does anyone use their brain anymore? I mean how do some of these people function everyday?

I will start to try and think positive ater this blog post.

P.S. I love lists!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good for the soul.


Everyone needs to listen to the song Inside These Lines. It is perfect.